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Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus is a time-honoured tradition at St. Peter’s. The Knights of Columbus is a high profile group that is a major contributor to Parish Life. They are Catholic men building a...
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Catholic Women's League
The Catholic Women’s League of Canada is one of the largest national women’s organizations in Canada. The objects of the League are: to unite Catholic women; to achieve individual and collective...
Parish Religious Education for Children (PREP)
Parish Religious Education Program (PREP for short) is a weekly catechism class for children in grades 1 to 7.  PREP is meant to compliment the religious education being taught at home. These...
Food Service
St. Vincent de Paul
Board of Saint Vincent de Paul: Patt Irvine – President Peggy McNeil – Secretary Chantal Hudspeth – Treasurer Board members – Eileen Brown, Joe Paquin, John Riordan, Wally Licas. Contact: Please...
Young Adults
Building a community of faith is crucial as we head out into the workforce, start families, & follow our dreams. Join other Young Adults in their 20s and 30s at St. Peter’s as we journey...
Young At Heart
Seniors “Young at Heart” Group
St. Peter’s “Young at Heart” was organized some sixteen years ago to gather seniors together on a regular basis for companionship and recreation.  At this time, we have 75 members.  We meet after...
Parish Committees
Parish Council: The role of the Parish Council is to provide leadership and to promote the pastoral, spiritual and social life of the Parish.  Ed De Marchi (Chair) Bill Conolly Wally Licas...
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Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
RCIA is a faith journey by which an adult becomes a Catholic Christian. Thus this process is open to any adult who wants to become a full member of the Catholic Church and who is not fully...
Bible Study
Bible Study
We all have good intentions to stick with Bible study plans at home, yet distractions provide one reason after another to postpone. Participating in a Bible study within a small group has a dynamic...
The Community of the Risen Lord
The Community of the Risen Lord (CRL), is a catholic lay charismatic community that operates in Sri Lanka with the vision of taking the revival into the church. You can learn more here:...
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Truth and Reconciliation
The Indigenous Relations committee seeks to promote healing, education and the steps needed for true reconciliation among Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. Resources Online Courses (free) ...
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Children’s Liturgy of the Word
At 9am and 11am Masses on Sunday we have Liturgy of the Word for Children. At the start of Mass, all children are invited to come forward and go to their own special time of prayer and learning...
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Spiritual Care Visits
St. Peter’s has a team of dedicated volunteers who assist with Mass and visits with residents at Queen’s Park Care Center every first and third Tuesday of the month (10-11 am) and at Royal City...
Liturgical Ministries and Hospitality
St. Peter’s has a dedicated group of volunteers who help make our liturgies so wonderful. Lectors, Eucharistic ministers, altar servers, coffee servers, greeters, and ushers can view the current...
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Comunidad Hispana de New Westminster
¡Bienvenidos a la Comunidad Hispana de New Westminster! Nuestra próxima Misa en español será el Domingo 5 de Mayo a las 6:30 pm. Después de esto, tendremos Misa cada primer domingo del mes (2 de...